DSBsolar Custom Solar Photovoltaic Panels Photovoltaic Modules Solar Power Panels Single Crystal Polycrystalline Solar Photovoltaic Panels
Solar power generation system is a device system that uses battery modules to convert solar energy directly into electrical energy. Under the condition of illumination, the solar cell module generates the electromotive force, and forms the solar cell array through the series and parallel of the module, so that the array voltage meets the requirements of the input voltage of the system. The battery is charged by the charge and discharge controller, and the electric energy converted from light energy is stored. At night, the battery pack provides input power to the inverter. Through the function of the inverter, the direct current is converted into alternating current, which is transmitted to the distribution cabinet, and the power is supplied by the switching function of the distribution cabinet. The discharge of the battery pack is controlled by the controller. The photovoltaic power station system should also be limited load protection and lightning protection devices to protect the over-load operation of the system equipment and avoid lightning strikes, and maintain the use of the system equipment. Solar energy → electric energy → chemical energy → electric energy → light energy